Monday, January 25, 2021

每日/週末四班 1/26/21-1/31/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

 1. Classkick 《對對碰》練習 Work on the matching practice.





2. 練習不看拼音唸課文 Practice reading the text without the help of pinyin


3. 設計《我的廚房》Design《My Kitchen》
    設計內容 (What's included in your design?):
    A. 題目 (Title) : 我的廚房
    B. 廚房用品名稱 (names of the kitchen accessories): 至少五種,可選擇加照片 (at least 5 items, pictures optional)    
    C. 介紹你(妳)的廚房的句子 (A sentence describing your kitchen)





4. 看圖說故事 Tell a story according to the pictures. 

5.  Quizlet 《包餃子》的練習單元 Write, Spell 和 Test. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet 《包餃子》activities: Write, Spell and Test.






6. 朗誦《包餃子》歌詞用Classkick工具條裡的錄音功能錄音,再貼在頁面上。 Recite the lyrics of the song 《包餃子》. Record and paste it to the Classkick page. 

7. 分享 Share and Tell


Monday, January 18, 2021

每日/週末四班 1/19/21 - 1/24/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. 第六課考試,請點進連結,做第六課的考卷。Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 6.





2. 點進下列連結,印出課文 Click the link below and print out the text.


3. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開 Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

4. 寫生字(詞): 下列生字(詞)各寫一行在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing a whole line for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


5. 朗讀《包餃子》課文 在 Classkick 裡錄音,貼在頁面上。Record your reciting of 《包餃子》 text. Use the recording function in Classkick and paste your audio on the page. 

6. 偏旁相似字圖表 請點進連結,印出圖表,在課堂上使用。Template for similar characters with the same side: Please click the link and print out the template for class usage. 

7. 做 Quizlet 《包餃子》的練習單元 Learn, Flashcards 和 Match. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet 《包餃子》activities: Learn, Flashcards and Match.






Monday, January 11, 2021

每日/週末四班 1/12/21 - 1/17/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 《填充題》練習 Work on the Fill-the-blank practice.





2. 練習不看拼音唸課文 Practice reading the text without the help of pinyin


3. 設計《除夕的年夜飯》Design《The Dinner of Lunar New Year's Eve》
    設計內容 (What's included in your design?):
    A. 題目 (Title) : 除夕的年夜飯
    B. 餐桌上的食物名稱 (Food items on the table): 可選擇加照片 Pictures optional    
    C. 介紹年夜飯的句子 (A sentence describing your meal)





4. 造句: 用下列附圖和句型造句,每個句型造一句,寫在寫字簿裡,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Use the pictures and patterns below to write sentences on your writing notebook, one sentence for each pattern. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.

5. 做 Quizlet 第六課的練習單元:write, spell 和 test. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 6 activities: write, spell and test.





6. 跟著下列影片裡的節奏,朗誦《新年律動歌》歌詞用Classkick工具條裡的錄音功能錄音,再貼在頁面上。 Follow the rhythm in the video. Recite the lyrics of the song 《新年律動歌》. Record and paste it to the Classkick page. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

每日/週末四班 1/5/21-1/10/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 《量詞填充》練習Work on the practice for 《量詞填充.》





2. 第六課課文跟讀。 Recite Lesson 6 text.

3. 朗讀第六課課文在 Classkick 裡錄音,貼在頁面上。Record your reciting of Lesson 6 text. Use the recording function in Classkick and paste your audio on the page. 
4. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開。Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

5. 寫生字(詞): 下列生字(詞)各寫一行在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing a whole line for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


6. 偏旁相似字圖表: 請點進連結,印出圖表,在課堂上使用。Template for similar characters with the same side: Please click the link and print out the template for class usage. 

7. 點進下面的連結,做 Quizlet 第六課的練習單元:learn, flashcards 和 match. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 6 activities: learn, flashcards and match.



