Thursday, June 24, 2021

暑期四班 6/28/21-6/30/21 Summer Class 4

1. 自我介紹

2. Classkick 

3. 課文/拼音


4. 看圖說故事 Story Telling

5. 小組報告 Group Presentation

6. 小牛剪紙 Paper cutting


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

每日/週末四班 6/15/21-6/20/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 句型練習 Classkick practice


2. 練習不看拼音唸第十二課課文 Practice reciting the text without the help of pinyin.

3. 偏旁相似字圖表 請點進連結,印出圖表,在課堂上使用。Template for similar characters with the same side: Please click the link and print out the template for class usage. 

4. 小組報告 Group Presentation

5. 第十二課考試 Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 10.





6. 虛擬再見派對 Virtual Farewell Party

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

每日/週末四班 6/8/21-6/13/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 填充句型練習 Classkick practice


2. 練習不看拼音唸第十二課課文 Practice reciting the text without the help of pinyin.

3. 小組報告--打折 Group Presentation -- Discount

4. 造句: 用下列附圖和句型造句,每個句型造一句,寫在寫字簿裡,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Use the pictures and patterns below to write sentences on your writing notebook, one sentence for each pattern. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.

5. 做 Quizlet 第十二課的練習單元 Write 和 Spell Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 12 activities: Write and Spell.






6. 紙龍舟: 印出模板,沿線剪開 Paper Dragon Boat: Print out the template, cut the pieces along the lines.


7. 設計《家事機器人廣告》請依照指示,設計你的家事機器人廣告。Please follow the instruction, design an Ad for your housework robot. 





Tuesday, June 1, 2021

每日/週末四班 6/1/21-6/6/21 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 機器人做家事練習 Classkick robots doing housework practice


2. 跟讀第十二課課文 在 Classkick 裡錄音,貼在頁面上。Recite the text of Lesson 12. Record your reciting of Lesson 12 text. Use the recording function in Classkick and paste your audio on the page. 

3. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開 Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

4. 寫生字(詞) 下列生字(詞)各寫五次在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing five times for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


5. 機器人做家事 Robots doing housework

6. 小組討論 Group Presentation

7. 做 Quizlet 第十二課的練習單元 Learn 和 Flashcards Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 12 activities: Learn and Flashcards.




